KDG HK Rail Installation Instructions
Applies to all HK Rail 416/417 variants
Difficulty level: 1/10
Tools needed for installation
1. Large flat head screwdriver
2. Soft mallet (i.e. leather or rubber) or a piece of wood and a hammer
3. Gun lube (doesn’t matter what kind so long as its wet and slippery)
4. Driver to remove OEM rail
5. Blue Loctite (or equivalent)
Removal Instructions
1. Safely make sure your firearm is unloaded and all ammo away from work space.
2. Remove OEM rail fatsener(s) under the rail, near the receiver pivot pin.
3. Slide OEM rail off barrel nut.
Installation Instructions
1. Apply a small amount of gun lube around the OEM barrel nut.
2. Slide KDG rail onto oiled barrel nut.
3. Gently tap KDG rail into the OEM barrel nut using a soft mallet until seated.
4. Add a drop of blue locktite to the included fastener(s) and install.
Toque Spec: Do not exceed 60in/lb. (Tight is tight, be smart & use good judgment
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